front-end developer & designer
Hi, I'm Brenda. I love CSS, e-commerce, beautiful and thoughtful design, making soap from scratch, and dancing to good and bad pop music.
I've been making websites since the early days of Geocities and professionally for over 15 years in a variety of development and design roles, often solely on one side or the other. With this unique perspective and experience, I've found success working with companies large and small as a bridge between these two worlds. I advocate for collaboration in cross-functional team environments where design & development work together. I recently started my own agency, Coquelicot, where we specialize in Shopify custom theme development. Check out “Whisk” our first ready made theme available for purchase in the Shopify Theme Store.
As an award winning conference speaker, I have been around the world presenting talks on my greatest love, CSS. I've also been an active member of the NYC tech community by teaching with Girl Develop It, and helping to organize local front-end meetups like CSS Layout Club and ManhattanJS.

As a web design and developer consultant, I've worked for all types of clients in various industries — from small greenfield startups and non-profits, to Fortune 500 companies. Here's a few of my favorites.
Whisk Shopify Theme
Shopify theme developed and designed for sale exclusively on the official Shopify Theme Store with Liquid, CSS, and JavaScript web components.
Hive Brands
Custom Shopify store theme development from scratch with Liquid, Sass, and Vue.js for a new eco-conscious online grocery startup.
Front-end development with Shopify Liquid, JavaScript, and Sass for a custom Shopify e-commerce subscription site.
Bijan Mustardson
Custom Shopify theme development with a unique homepage layout built with Liquid, CSS, and JavaScript web components for a star athlete's mustard and merch brand.
Context Travel
In house Senior Software Engineer on a custom Ruby on Rails e-commerce application for a boutique travel start-up.
Thrive Global
Front-end development and design for a publishing platform CMS built from scratch in Ruby on Rails with Sass and JavaScript.
Joe Allen Restaurant
Custom WordPress theme design & development with an editable menu using Genesis Custom Blocks for Joe Allen, Orso, and Bar Centrale restaurants in New York City.
Design and front-end development in an Elixir/Phoenix application for a custom e-commerce platform that sells new and used cars online.
UX research, design, performance enhancements, and front-end development for a custom luxury handbag e-commerce brand.
I was honored to recieve the award for “Best Conference Presentation” at CSSDevConf 2017, voted on by the conference attendees.
- Wins & Fails: Building a Shopify Theme as a Soloprenuer — Shopify's, June 2024
- The Display Property & CSS Grid for Beginners — Hyper Island, September 2020
- Beyond Screen Size: Using CSS to Optimise Layout by Device (and more!) — GenerateCSS, September 2019
- You Might Not Need Media Queries: How to Use CSS Grid Today — Asbury Agile, October 2018
- You Might Not Need Media Queries: How to Use CSS Grid Today — PiterCSS, June 2018
- Get on the Grid — Generate NYC, April 2018
- Using CSS Grid in the Real World — CSSConfAU, March 2018
- Using CSS Grid in the Real World — CSSDevConf, October 2017
- Cracking the SVG Code — SVG Summit, January 2016
- Cracking the SVG Code — CSSDevConf, October 2015
- Building Shopify Themes Using Dawn — Liquid Weekly
- The Laila & Brenda Show (Co-Host)
- I Don't Know What NeoPets are Either —
- Practical CSS Grids — Non Breaking Space Show
- Grid Locked —
- Intro to SVGs — Ctrl + Click Cast
- SVGs — Non Breaking Space Show
- Purpose Driven Development — Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots (Guest Host)
- A Place For Both — Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots
- Doing things the hard way —
- Waiter > Bartender > Lost Soul — Reboot